Why your iPhone is one of the Best Street Photography Cameras

Street photography is without a doubt one of the easiest genres of photography to jump into. All you need is a camera and some walking shoes. My current kit these days is an old Nikon FE2 and my iPhone. I’m not going to lie, my iPhone probably gets more action than my “real camera” does. It’s always with me and I hate lugging my camera around on busy commuting times during the week.

Side note: it doesn’t need to be an iPhone, I think if we are all honest with ourselves other smartphones are more superior, but that’s a different story…

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Smartphones are for sneaky ninja photographers. Everyone has one, it’s probably right next to your computer now or in your hand. We even have the ability to shoot and edit in RAW thanks to apps like Adobe Lightroom (my personal favorite) and VSCO.

To be honest, I do perfer to shoot with a proper camera as there is better options for depth of field and ergonomics. However, shooting on an iPhone will just make you look like a harmless tourist and no one will ever think otherwise of you. Pull out a “professional” camera and you look like a pedophile. Just kidding, but really, don’t walk around with a 1DX and 70-200.

Ryan Noltemeyer

Ryan Noltemeyer is a Louisville based photographer


Marie Brennan - Creative Space